Building a Model - Executing a Design of Experiment (DOE)

Let’s say you’re not interested in optimization, but instead you’re much more interested in design space exploration. In that case you would want to use some kind of a Design Of Experiment (DOE). There are few different kinds of DOEs out there. Some of the most popular are:

  • Full Factorial
  • Random Uniform
  • Latin Hypercube
  • Central Composite

OpenMDAO provides options to use all of these in our standard library. If none of those meet your needs, you can also write your own DOEgenerator class to expand OpenMDAO capabilities. (We’ll leave that for a different tutorial). For now, let’s assume you wanted to use a Full Factorial DOE, with 10 levels for each variable. Create a file called and copy the following into it:

In [1]:
from openmdao.main.api import Assembly
from openmdao.lib.drivers.api import DOEdriver
from openmdao.lib.doegenerators.api import FullFactorial
from openmdao.lib.casehandlers.api import ListCaseRecorder

from openmdao.examples.simple.paraboloid import Paraboloid

class Analysis(Assembly):

    def configure(self):


        #There are a number of different kinds of DOE available in openmdao.lib.doegenerators
        self.driver.DOEgenerator = FullFactorial(10) #Full Factorial DOE with 10 levels for each variable

        #DOEdriver will automatically record the values of any parameters for each case
        #tell the DOEdriver to also record any other variables you want to know for each case
        self.driver.case_outputs = ['paraboloid.f_xy',]

        #Simple recorder which stores the cases in memory.
        self.driver.recorders = [ListCaseRecorder(),]


Or download our version of the file.

To run a DOE we use the DOEdriver, which serves as the driver any time you want to run any kind of DOE. To specify the particular type of DOE, you set the DOEgenerator attribute. In this case we used FullFactorial, but any of the DOEgenerators would work.

You can see that this code does not look a whole lot different from the code in the previous tutorials on unconstrained and constrained optimizations. We’re still using the same Paraboloid component as before. Also, just like before, we use the add_parameter method to specify what inputs should be varied by the DOE. Since we specified the low and high to be -50 and 50 respectively, with 10 levels, the FullFactorial DOE generator will divide each parameter into 10 evenly spaced bins and then generate the full set of combinations possible (100 cases in total). Note that a full factorial DOE can get very expensive very quickly. The total number of cases you run will be ln, where l is the number of levels and n is the number of parameters.

One new thing in this example is the use of a case recorder. Each case in a given DOE results in a set of inputs being set into your model; then the model gets run, and some outputs are calculated. Obviously you want to record the results of this process for each case in the DOE. You use a CaseRecorder for that. The CaseRecorder’s job is to store the information from each case in some fashion. In this example we used a ListCaseRecorder which just stored them in memory. There are other kinds though that are more permanent, for example, the DBcaseRecorder, which saves all your cases to a SQLite database to be reviewed later.

All CaseRecorders have the same interface and can be used interchangeably. In fact, if you notice, we specified a ListCaseRecorder as part of a list.

#Simple recorder which stores the cases in memory.
self.driver.recorders = [ListCaseRecorder(),]

You can add as many CaseRecorders to that list as you want, and each one will record every case separately. This enables you to save information to more than one place at the same time.

The last new thing to look at is where we specify some extra variables to be saved off for each case. The DOEdriver automatically saves all the variables that were specified as parameters in every case. That way, you will always know exactly what variable values were used for each case. But, of course, the inputs are just half the story. You will also want to store relevant outputs from each case. This is what the case_outputs attribute is for, on the DOEdriver. You would put any variables you want to track into this list, but here we have only the one output from paraboloid.

self.driver.case_outputs = ['paraboloid.f_xy',]

To run this analysis, you would do the following:

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import time

    analysis = Analysis()

    tt = time.time()

    print "Elapsed time: ", time.time()-tt, "seconds";

    #write the case output to the screen
    for c in analysis.driver.recorders[0].get_iterator():
        print "x: %f, y: %f, z: %f"%(c['paraboloid.x'],c['paraboloid.y'],c['paraboloid.f_xy'])  ;

The only new stuff here is the bit at the end where we loop over all the cases that were run. To keep things simple, we just spit out the data to the screen. But the key thing to recognize here is how you work with cases. You can loop through each case by calling the get_iterator() method on any case recorder. Then for each case you just address the names of the variables like you would when working with a Python dictionary. You can put the data into any format you want from a loop like this one.

For instance, here is some code that uses matplotlib to generate a surface plot of the data from this run.

In [6]:
%matplotlib inline

In [7]:
if __name__ == "__main__":

    import time
    from matplotlib import pylab as p
    from matplotlib import cm
    import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3
    from numpy import array

    analysis = Analysis()

    tt = time.time()

    print "Elapsed time: ", time.time()-tt, "seconds"

    raw_data = {}
    for c in analysis.driver.recorders[0].get_iterator():
        raw_data[(c['paraboloid.x'],c['paraboloid.y'])] = c['paraboloid.f_xy']

    X = sorted(list(X))
    Y = sorted(list(Y))

    xi,yi = p.meshgrid(X,Y)
    zi = []

    for x in X:
        row = []
        for y in Y:
    zi = array(zi)

    ax = p3.Axes3D(fig)

Elapsed time:  0.0328450202942 seconds

A Graph of the Output from the Execution of the DOE

At times it’s necessary to rerun an analysis. This can be a problem if the DOE generator used has a random component. To handle this, DOEdriver records the normalized DOE values to a CSV file. This file can be read in later by a CSVFile DOE generator. The DOEdriver can then be configured to use this CSVFile generator to rerun the cases previously generated.

In [8]:
from openmdao.main.api import Assembly
from openmdao.lib.drivers.api import DOEdriver
from openmdao.lib.doegenerators.api import CSVFile, Uniform

from openmdao.examples.simple.paraboloid import Paraboloid

class Analysis(Assembly):

    def configure(self):
        self.add('paraboloid', Paraboloid())
        self.add('driver', DOEdriver())
        self.driver.DOEgenerator = Uniform(num_samples=1000)
        self.driver.add_parameter('paraboloid.x', low=-50, high=50)
        self.driver.add_parameter('paraboloid.y', low=-50, high=50)
        self.driver.case_outputs = ['paraboloid.f_xy']

if __name__ == '__main__':

    analysis = Analysis()

    # Run original analysis.

    # Reconfigure driver to rerun previously generated cases.
    analysis.driver.DOEgenerator = CSVFile(analysis.driver.doe_filename)
    # Note that analysis.driver.doe_filename will give you the name of
    #   the csv file saved by the DOE driver.

    # No need to re-record cases (and it avoids overwriting them).
    analysis.driver.record_doe = False

    # Rerun analysis.

Re-running the full experiment is often not of interest. Instead, only certain cases need to be rerun. OpenMDAO provides case filters to select cases, and DOEdriver’s case_filter attribute is used to configure what filter to use. Note that filters are applied after the normalized parameter values have been converted to actual values.

In [9]:
from openmdao.main.api import Assembly
from openmdao.lib.drivers.api import DOEdriver
from openmdao.lib.doegenerators.api import CSVFile, Uniform
from openmdao.lib.casehandlers.api import ExprCaseFilter, SequenceCaseFilter, SliceCaseFilter

from openmdao.examples.simple.paraboloid import Paraboloid

class Analysis(Assembly):

    def configure(self):
        self.add('paraboloid', Paraboloid())
        doe = self.add('driver', DOEdriver())
        doe.DOEgenerator = Uniform(num_samples=1000)
        doe.add_parameter('paraboloid.x', low=-50, high=50)
        doe.add_parameter('paraboloid.y', low=-50, high=50)
        doe.case_outputs = ['paraboloid.f_xy']

if __name__ == '__main__':

    analysis = Analysis()
    doe = analysis.driver

    # Run full experiment.

    # Don't record reruns.
    doe.record_doe = False

    # Rerun just 5th and 7th cases.
    doe.DOEgenerator = CSVFile('driver.csv')
    doe.case_filter = SequenceCaseFilter((5, 7))

    # Rerun every third case starting at 100 through case 200.
    doe.DOEgenerator = CSVFile('driver.csv')
    doe.case_filter = SliceCaseFilter(100, 200, 3)

    # Rerun every case where x > 0 and y < 0.
    doe.DOEgenerator = CSVFile('driver.csv')
    doe.case_filter = ExprCaseFilter("case['paraboloid.x'] > 0 and case['paraboloid.y'] < 0")

In the above example we were able to filter cases on input values, or their location in the sequence of cases run. If instead you need to rerun cases based on output values, or if they failed, the filtering has to be applied to cases after they have been run. CaseIteratorDriver is a driver which will run an arbitrary set of cases given to it, such as those recorded by DOEdriver. CaseIteratorDriver has a filter attribute that can be used in the same way we used filters with DOEdriver above, but now the filter can operate on outputs as well as inputs.

In [10]:
from openmdao.main.api import Assembly
from openmdao.lib.drivers.api import CaseIteratorDriver, DOEdriver
from openmdao.lib.doegenerators.api import Uniform
from openmdao.lib.casehandlers.api import ListCaseRecorder, ListCaseIterator, ExprCaseFilter

from openmdao.examples.simple.paraboloid import Paraboloid

class Analysis(Assembly):

    def configure(self):
        self.add('paraboloid', Paraboloid())
        doe = self.add('driver', DOEdriver())
        doe.DOEgenerator = Uniform(num_samples=1000)
        doe.add_parameter('paraboloid.x', low=-50, high=50)
        doe.add_parameter('paraboloid.y', low=-50, high=50)
        doe.case_outputs = ['paraboloid.f_xy']

if __name__ == '__main__':

    analysis = Analysis()

    # Run full experiment and record results.
    recorder = ListCaseRecorder()
    analysis.driver.recorders = [recorder]

    # Reconfigure driver.
    workflow = analysis.driver.workflow
    analysis.add('driver', CaseIteratorDriver())
    analysis.driver.workflow = workflow

    # Rerun cases where paraboloid.f_xy <= 0.
    analysis.driver.iterator = recorder.get_iterator()
    analysis.driver.filter = ExprCaseFilter("case['paraboloid.f_xy'] <= 0")

    # Rerun cases which failed.
    analysis.driver.iterator = recorder.get_iterator()
    analysis.driver.filter = ExprCaseFilter("case.msg")